Many, many, many people are confused when it comes to what is Sanse and what is 21 Divisiones. The reason why is because we deal with many, many of the same Spirits, in Sanse, but on different Spiritual Puntos (points) Thus many of the names and terminology are used in both traditions. Also, there is a same basic methodology behind the practices. But that is too complicated to go into here.
Here I will give you some basic differences:
21 Divisiones:
-Works primarily with and focuses on Misterios. Here you will not find muertos or Spiritual Guides commonly. Some 21 Division practioners have incorporated some of it into their practices as well however.
– Spirits referred to as Misterios, Santos, and Seres
-Practices Animal Sacrifice
-Initiations are Refresco, Aplasamiento and Bautizo
-Offerings of Food tend to be more common as well
– Ceremonies are commonly known as Prillis, Manis, La Hora Santa, and Priyes
-More commonly practiced in Dominican Republic. However, many Sansistas, have traveled and been initiated in Las 21 Divisiones as a way to get closer to the roots of what we consider Las 7 Divisiones or as instructed by our Cuadro.
– Practice is a combination of Misterios, Muertos, Guias, Espiritismo and Puerto Rican Brujeria
-Thus Ancestry is very important in the Tradition, and our Roots are very closely tied to us Spiritually and thus what Spirits we have within our Cuadro as well
-Spirits referred to as Muertos, Guias, Misterios, Angeles, Seres, Santos and Sanses
– Animal Sacrifice is very rare and uncommon (and in most houses not practiced at all)
– Initiations are known as Bautizos and Elevaciones
– Ceremonies known as Misas, Fiestas Espirituales, Velaciones
– Practice is more common in Puerto Rico, although also practiced in the Dominican Republic as well.
how to we know who really are cuadro or how can someone go about finding out who it really is cause i was told mine was oshun but i was also told by a palera that she dont see oshun that she sees a saint that suffers alot
By working with your Mesa. Your cuadro will come to you. If Oshun is in your Cuadro, she will show herself to you, etc. A reading is good to determine some of your Cuadro and help you get started.